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【聚焦科研】《Complexity》刊发我校国际商学院教师曹立思文章《Two Parallel Machines Scheduling with Two-Vehicle Job Delivery to Minimize Makespan》
2020-10-05     (点击: )

曹立思,国际商学院,讲师,管理学博士,生产运营管理,Two Parallel Machines Scheduling with Two-Vehicle Job Delivery to Minimize Makespan;发表期刊《Complexity》,ISSN:1076-2787,SCI二区,文章刊发在2020年第1期。


Two Parallel Machines Scheduling with Two-Vehicle Job Delivery to Minimize Makespan


A problem of parallel machine scheduling with coordinated job deliveries is handled to minimize the makespan. Different jobs call for dissimilar sizes of storing space in the process of transportation. Arange of jobs of one customer in the problem have priority to be processed on two identical parallel machines without preemption and then delivered to the customer by two vehicles in batches. For this NP-hard problem, we first prove that it is impossible to have a polynomial heuristic with a worst-case performance ratio bound less than 2 unless P=NP. Thereafter, we develop a polynomial heuristic for this problem, the worst-case ratio of which is bounded by 2.


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